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Google honours Stella Adadevoh on her 62nd posthumous birthday

Tech giant, Google has honoured Dr. Ameyo Stella Adadevoh on her 62nd posthumous birthday with a doodle.

A doodle is the temporary replacement of the Google logo on its homepage to celebrate holidays, events, achievements or people.

Adadevoh, who was born on October 27, 1956, died in August 2014, after curbing the spread of the Ebola virus through her heroic effort How she died.

Dr. Adadevoh in July 2014, came with contact with a Liberian diplomat, Patrick Sawyer, who came to Nigeria for a conference in Calabar, Cross-River state, at the First Consultants Medical Centre (FCMC) in Lagos state.
Sawyer had tested positive to Ebola, left quarantine in Liberia to attend the conference in Cross-River state.

The diplomat was rushed to FCMC after he collapsed at the airport. Adadevoh, during her ward rounds suspected that he had Ebola, despite the initial diagnosis of Malaria by another doctor.

She requested that a test be run on Sawyer, and also insisted that he should be placed on quarantine till the results arrive.
Despite pressure from the Liberian government and threats to sue her, the doctor refused to let the diplomat go.
Instead, according to Wikipedia, she built a wooden barricade around Sawyer’s door to create an isolation area.

Adadevoh later tested positive to Ebola on August 4, 2014, as a result of her contact with the diplomat and later died on August 19, 2014.

Adadevoh, who was born on October 27, 1956, died in August 2014, after curbing the spread of the Ebola virus through her heroic effort.
